Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Stick it in the family ... album

Saw The Yoga Mama for lunch today. Everyone was on good form and the food was excellent (a little Chinese/ Japanese place called Koi in Mill Hill Broadway). Excellent meat free food, really nice. Went on somewhere else for raw cakes and coffee, so quite a feast by the time we had finished.

Finally found a lamp we like in IKEA, and got some curtains and cushions. The newly decorated front room is as snug as it gets now.

Nice to see Mystic Em for the first time in a few days. Her and The Dizzle were very sweet together.

Only downer about today is that I have mislaid my Apple Pencil. I know what the Buddhists say about not forming attachments but I feel like I’ve lost my creative right arm. Driving me nuts.

Been a good weekend. And tomorrow is Monday ...

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