Knees or tree?
Another exhausting day in the hot humid heat of Singapore. I didn't realise how close we are to the Equator until we looked it up this morning, so no wonder it's hot!
First off this morning we headed for an area as near to natural jungle as it gets. After a reasonably lengthy walk in the heat we arrived to find it CLOSED - until 2020! And we weren't the only ones to be a bit fed up with this situation!
We had no choice but to backtrack so returned to our hotel for a cool off. Then out again for a walk around the colonial area of the city including a tour of the Battlebox which told the story of the Battle for control of Singapore, the Japanese invasion, the British surrender and then the invaders getting their come uppance. Interesting to hear this aspect of WW2 which seemed to have nothing to do with the original causes. The blip shows JC in the grounds of the Battlebox showing the scale of this Terap tree and it's roots - and it was only 50 years old.
After a walk to the harbour area for some night photography (extra) we headed back to the hotel and a meal - tired and weary. Now I really am going to check in for our flight home tomorrow evening.
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