Baked apples

My mum used to make these when I was little.

An interesting day today.

I went to a menopause workshop this morning and sat with a lovely lady called Patricia. She's originally from Nigeria but came over in the 1960s I think, first to Belfast then to Stornoway. Her family were the first black family to own a house there. She lives in Glasgow now and is chair of an African Women's Group. Just a lovely, kind person.

Then I went to the library to meet someone who had a very unusual request for an art commission. I'm still to decide if I'll take the work. If I do I'll most definitely blip it later in the year.

Then shopping, bit of tidying...but not enough tidying. For some bizarre reason, I've invited half the village to my house to chat about arty crafty stuff tomorrow. I've never done anything like this before and I'm a tad anxious but fortune favours the brave, so I'm cracking on, despite feeling under the weather and having a minor plumbing disaster in the bathroom :-/

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