Started ....
.... Already!
Well I can't believe it is 2nd day of the 2nd month 2019 .
Today started with a phone call from my daughter "C", she sounded fairly up beat and we had a lovely conversation , I was delighted with her news she is back to work doing 3/4 hours 2/3 times a week to start with. After her further set-back at the beginning of 2018 this is progress indeed tho' still not out of the woods.
At 1.00pm my other daughter came to take me out for the day. 1st we went Tenpin Bowling ( as you do when you're "28yrs old"!!) . We won one game each , I do like to share you know? Then after "K" did a cloths shop we went to her house where the grand sons and significant others and a Greek friend, The Rev and D sat down to a meal prepared by The Rev and "O" of Oxtail stew , something I haven't had for years . It was sooo delicious for afters "O" had made me a birthday cake ( burnt coffee with walnuts fruit and coffee butter cream) which was also delicious .
Then gifts from "J/K" of 2 books ( they know my genre ) and a naughty box of chocolates and bunch of tulips
"O/M" gave me a beautiful photo frame with last years bowling and birthday memories in it , you shake the frame to display a type of periscope scene , very pretty.
M's friend was so kind and gave me a Bromeliad a pretty pure white plant
Another friend had left me a rose of a pretty shade of peach.
I've been really spoilt , tho'i wasn't a 100% this morning , the day has helped me .
Appreciate ..... having such a caring family/ friends and all they do for me. Thank you everyone.
The sad news was that a friend from the past died and the funeral is on Saturday
RIP Ella
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