Lovely snow?

First of all, thank you for all your warm comments yesterday. Very nice of you. We did not have a big celebration but we had a very nice evening. Saw the film "Green book" before we enjoyed a lovely dinner. A lovely story and a lovely film. All lovely. Today I have run our snow thrower. Have to do it again tomorrow morning. Don`t know how many times this week. Has been snowing daily. Have not seen the sun since many days. Some times it has been necessary to start up early in the morning to get the car out of the garden to drive Mrs B to her office. During nights the snow plough trucks and tractors  push "the lovely snow" in front of our gate and I have to make it open.  A snow free life is much easier. Much easier. However, our skis are prepared for a day in the ski piste tomorrow. Would not like to be without snow in the woods this time of the year. Wish you a nice Sunday out too, lovely snow or not lovely snow. 

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