
By BrianH

The Sky at Night

I now to realise is that I am way behind with all those things that should have been done while we were gallivanting about Down Under. Having just caught up with back blips, this weekend was supposed to be focused on:
Baking the cake - just in the oven
Putting up a tree - not done
Cards - not done
Writing a letter to Santa - not done

Note to self - must develop a remediation plan if I am to make the go-live date otherwise Crimbo will just have to be postponed.

Not much time to get out and about today and I heard the news that Patrick Moore had died. Many years ago I got to meet him and tell him about my modest contribution to scientific knowledge through my research work in gamma ray astronomy. The sky is cloudy tonight so I had to improvise this tribute to him and his enthusiasm for popularising astronomy.

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