Night sky at Collywell Bay

I braved the elements tonight and trudged down to Collywell Bay to try and get a sky shot. I have learned a few things tonight.

1 take some gloves it was perishing

2 take some one else for company and to help light the scene.

3 take a stronger light

4 be a bit more brave I nearly wet myself a couple of times

5 practice this a bit more before trying to commit and wait for the aeroplanes to pass.

To be honest I was completely overwhelmed with the last couple of days comments, especially yesterdays. The place is magical (and Holy) and all I had to do was just turn up.

I think that to date it's my personal favourite and I feel privileged to be able to have access to places such as this.

I think I may have peaked, I didn't make the spotlight but I think this image is tons better than some of the ones I have had in the spotlight.

thank you all again

the also rans are here

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