Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Lazy Sunday

We didn't have such a good night - Henry was restless and kept moaning in his sleep, then I couldn't get back to sleep for ages after he had a feed at 4am. He's got yet another cold and is incredibly snotty again - he ended up with it all smeared over his forehead somehow!

We went for a quick trip to tesco and ended up buying a mini Christmas tree and some mistletoe, then came home and had a much needed almost 3 hour nap. We made a really good lunch - honey an rosemary roast pork, roast new potatoes and baby carrots, mash and onion gravy. Henry just had fruit and breadsticks as usual - he's still not eating properly but I think it might be toddler fussy eating rather than anything else.

We've had fun playing together this evening, Neil has taught Henry to blow raspberries on my tummy flab which they're both finding very amusing. Lots of being tipped upside down and a few more independent steps when he thinks we're not looking too.

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