A Happy Camper and Some Inner Thoughts......

....About getting older.
Phew! his first day at school was a success....after all the moans and groans it was a lovely surprise to have a Happy little guy run in an say hello...happy as a clam he was.

I have been working on some portraits that I took the other day for some folk...they are my age and I have had to do some serious panel beating (thats what I call photoshopping)...its got me to thinking.

When I first started to work on them it was like 'oh my gawd what am I going to do here' but it soon turned around to gosh her eyes are lovely and her hair glows...he has a wonderful kindness in his eyes .........and so my thoughts meandered on......I was needing to start backtracking some of the work I had done...bringing the portraits back to not so far from the truth so to speak.
Just a few simple tweeks made a huge difference and the more I looked at those faces...really looked at them...I saw such a sweetness in the imperfections...lines and blemishes (no I haven't been taking anything) and my eyes rested on the beauty....it just took a bit more looking...and then within that I felt a wee bit more comfortable with my own ageing...what to say we/ I am such a vain ...hard critic on myself its debilitating often....today I felt my load soften a little.

And then there is this face just oozing sweetness.

HEY HO My exif data is showing up...but then I did work on this on my computer and not my ipad for a change.

Oh and BTW I am not going to moan about being too hot anymore when I hear about those poor folk in Chicago minus 40...they cant even leave their homes......is the cold snap everywhere over there? How is UK and Europe?

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