
By HareBrain

'Alf the Elf'

in his den on our Christmas Market this morning ladling me out a large tumbler of mulled wine. Great atmosphere in the town today and the weather bright but with a very cold wind, particularly if you were standing about chatting to all and sundry.

I have hardly done any of the many jobs I had planned for today but did manage the most important one. It was to visit young Toby James, now 6 days old. Daddy was out at the supermarket picking up a few supplies but Mum and Tj were home and I am glad to say that despite a difficult delivery, both Mum and baby are doing fine. T J is quite jaundiced at the moment so his photoshoot will have to wait!! He is most handsome with his suntan though, just like his Dad.

When the warming effects of the mulled wine had worn off I ventured into the new craft units which have opened in the now abandoned temporary 'indoor market'. Really lovely to see some local talent being displayed with all sorts of crafts - I particularly liked the exhibits of two local photographers (of course). I got talking to the owner of one of the stalls who was a silver smith and jewellery maker to name a couple of her talents. As I was so interested in the jewellery and photography I didn't pay alot of attention to the pottery on display; but guess what....... the pots were the works of art of #1 daughter. She had also visited this craft stall earlier on in the day and got talking to the owner who said that it would be nice to have some local pottery to display and after more conversation #1 daughter brought some of her pots down to the stall and whilst the owner was looking at the pots a visitor to the stall wanted to purchase two of them - so now #1 daughter's pots are to be a regular addition to the craft stall. Needless to say she was not impressed that I hadn't recognised her handiwork immediately!! but we did go out for lunch, again, and all in all it has been a really lovely day and I have met lots of lovely people, old friends and new acquaintances.

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