
By smellypants

Took the R8 out for a spin today

I'm quite lucky, I have an Audi R8.
Got this little monster shorlty after they were release from Audi and have had some thrilling times when having a play. This one, unlike most you will see is a "HotWheels" edition and I couldn't resist when I found it in a Tesco Metro near work.

Sadly though, not all drives end in the normal fashion. A sad occurance today where an giant cat threw himself in front of me and I had to swerve to avoid. It was like driving on laminate wood, no grip, just nothing at all :(

My rear end swung out, the poor kitty didn't have a chance and I ended up with car on it's side next to a huge barrel of Toxic Waste. Luckily the barrel stayed intact. A nice person saw the accident, and stopped in their Mini and helped me out.

We burried the kitty and placed some cones around to warn other drivers of the current situation. I've still got some morre tidying up to do, but thankfully it was no worse.

Car doesn't look bent and seems to drive as good as it did before. I hope I manage to clear this up tonight. I could do with another blast in the R8 tomorrow.

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