Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Two Oreos and a banana

Full on day and a member of the team had a leaving tea. Some very kind words, love and ham sandwiches. And the rest. Rather magnificent spread. I bagged two Oreos and a banana.

This is a sample of the motley crew I work with. It’s not difficult to work out who the departing colleague is. She has been enormously popular over the last few years and has a reputation for getting the job done, but she also has other things she wants to do with her life now.

Slightly disappointed that some of the gorier NHS notices in the background aren’t visible, I particularly like the advice about checking your poo.

Three years ago today since Aged P died. I had a dream in the early hours of the morning that I was walking her across a bridge. By the time we had got to the other side she had turned from an old woman into a young girl. Unusually mystical for me. Still remembered with big love.

My physical recovery continues - particularly pleased that the fatigue seems to have improved as a few days ago I was literally falling asleep four times a day.

Dylan in disgrace for picking a fight with Monty tonight. Cats can be so moody.

Some dodgy weather forecast for the next few days but I suspect it will end up being more hype than white. Still, keeps the emergency planners happy. They were watching the live satellite feed today. I think it was showing frogs over Dorking and locusts in Leatherhead, that sort of thing.

Today was okay but yesterday was better. I should be spending more time with TSM, great art and beautiful weather.

Read: TIME magazine, The Inflamed Mind, and Waking Up (by Sam Harris)
Ate:  Hummus and vegan fish and chips.
Listened to: Flight of the Conchords (still very funny and musically brilliant)

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