corinthian column

By corinthian

One Street Challenge (1)

Have decided to take part in the *one street* challenge and decided upon the main driveway through St Ives Estate in Bingley West Yorkshire.

St Ives is a country park of some 500 acres - owned by Bradford Metropolitan District Council - and is used for a diverse range of activities - golf, archery, horse riding, fishing, walking and cycling.

All my blips will be sights that can be seen from this driveway - a challenge for me to walk it - I just get onto the public footpaths as soon as I enter the estate

Roughly halfway along the driveway is a children's play area and car park.

Parks never had equipment like this in my day - this is an Archimedean Screw.

There is sand in the drum at the bottom - children climb onto the platform - turn the screw - the sand is lifted to the top

Don't think I'll ever have the need for a screw this size to take the cork out of any bottles of wine we have

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