Roly's Life

By Roly

Poorly Boy

MrRoly left at 6, within 15 minutes a small boy appeared in my bed complaining he felt sick. Being a very sympathetic mother and excellent nurse, I grunted at him and he returned to his own bed.

At 7 he tried again and I resorted to my first response of eat something in case you are hungry. Anyway, long and unpleasant story short, he was genuine in his malady. Explosions at one end only meant a day at home for us both.

A shame then that I did an online ‘click and collect’ shop for the supermarket near work last night. It meant that I worked today on QuickBooks training and collected more work to do tomorrow (48 hour rule at school).

The big 3 went climbing and Princess ended up with proper climbing shoes much to the envy of her elder siblings. After a Muckies tea, I painted more bathroom (no plumbers today - I warned them we were a house of disease and pestilence so they rearranged their planned work).

I ploughed on with the online training and 10 questions into the 50 question exam, a ruckus occurred upstairs - Smallest vomiting spectacularly and all his siblings running to help him. They’re a good bunch really.

I ended up finishing it just after midnight and somehow passed. A dejected Smallest being fussed over by his sisters is my only photo today, still following the bathroom theme though ;-)

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