The End of a Perfect Birthday

Despite it being Monday and therefore a usual working day, I've had a lovely birthday.  I opened my cards and presents before work and have been nicely spoilt with lots of lovely messages.  Alan went into work later than normal and gave me a lift to work seeing as the other car is still in the garage, and then when I got into work I received more gifts.

At lunch time I went to meet Lou, and she treated me to lunch which was nice.  She's struggling with her chemo and the moment and is feeling a little down as she's starting to lose her hair but I think I managed to cheer her up.  

I had to get the bus home from work, but as it's been such a lovely day, I decided to walk from Hove into Brighton along the seafront and then caught the bus from there. The sky was stunning so I took plenty of photos as I walked along (see my extras), and then I bumped into Ben one of the guys from the Brighton Skies group - he was having a bad day, so we had a chat and I gave him a hug.  I feel like I've been a bit of a counsellor today, I just hope it helped.  

Tonight Alan and I have been for an early dinner to VIP our local Italian restaurant, and I had a lovely meal and managed to stay away from pizza or pasta, having a mixed ham, salami and mozzarella starter with a bowl of olives, and for my main course I had tuna steak cooked in prosecco  with sundried tomatoes, olives and rocket.  Alan had the biggest pizza ever!

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