Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

Recycle Day is Here!

Not the most lovely Blip, but it is a momentous day in the neighborhood. We finally have curbside recycling! After 4 years of waiting, geez. So here is our first "deposit". Newspapers, magazines, phone books, plastic, paper, tin, aluminum, and cardboard. However, it looks like there isn't the participation I was hoping for from my neighbors. My wife is happy since we can get rid of it on a weekly basis instead of waiting until we have enough to fill the truck. Will be good overall, as the space requirement will be less.

If you notice, the garbage can looks empty. It has one bag in it. Our garbage output is much less than our neighbors because we separate the recyclables. Often, we can skip a week (and usually would with just one bag to toss out) while others put out a couple cans plus additional bags.

Recycling is a good idea.

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