New phone

It was Feb 2015 I last got a new phone, and it's starting to crash regularly and freeze up for 30 seconds at a time for no obvious reason.  So it's time for a new phone - this time a Samsung Galaxy Note 9.  So I've skipped a few generations.

First impression is that the new phone is a nice piece of hardware, although it's my first phone without a user replaceable battery (and I've usually gone through more than one) so I have reservations about that.  It also charges on USB C, which is clearly a better connection but incompatible with everything else I own!  Still, at least it has a traditional headphone socket.

The last couple of upgrades I've done I've kept my phone setup "as close as possible to before" as what I had worked well. This time I'm determined to experiment with some of the new capabilities before I transfer everything over, rather than just being a luddite and disabling everything I don't recognise.

I'm still at the stage where everything I tap requires me to sign a new 20 page privacy agreement that says they get all of my data.  I'm off to put on my tin foil hat for a bit to recover.

p.s. I think Google Voice and Samsung S-Voice are having a fight for supremacy.  I'm going to leave them to it overnight and use whichever has survived by morning!

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