Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Not trying today!

A little ceramic coaster that my friend gave me today.  We had lunch for her birthday and she gave me this.  What is wrong with this thought?  I bought her lunch..we had brunch which was french toast with strawberries and bacon!     She said she felt like this statement was me as I am fabulous to her every day!   

The origin of my Blipfoto name is just my name shortened -Mary Elizabeth and my last name initial...R...MaryElizaR.  Easy for me to remember.  

Make that the fabulous MaryElizaR..but not today! 

Common Enchantments came from two sources.  My friend Liz  with whom I took a photo class made a comment about spring flowers being a common every day enchantment when I mentioned a certain flower always gave me joy not matter how many times I see it and take a photo.   And this line from Jacob Nordby, author of Blessed are the Weird- A Manifesto for Creatives --"We wait , starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is full of Common Enchantments."  I like to think my Blipfoto journal shows some of those common enchantments.     And I might be a little weird too!   I know I am blessed!  

In the extra is a black and white I took of the sky in Charleston..I had to clone out a power line but I love how the clouds and airplane came together above me.  Always look up!  

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