Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Spotted these swans this morning.  There were hundreds of them.  The field belongs to a turf company so wonder if they will be upset or happy that the swans will add fertiliser to the turf!  

We are now in Clacton at my sister's house, some 350 miles from home.  That's 350 miles of hedgerows, grass verges and motorways covered in litter!!!  It really is very bad.  Left home in the sunshine and arrived in the rain!  Didn't think it ever rained in Clacton.  Poor Misty is still frightened to death of the cat, really she is!  Ooh talking of the cat, my sister took him to the vets a couple of weeks ago and they said he had a tumour so should be put to sleep and an appointment was made for that afternoon.  That gave my sister time to think and she took him to a different vet the next day who diagnosed an infected paw and took blood tests which came back ok and she still has the cat which she inherited from our mum.  

May not have much time for commenting.

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