Fourth week.
This week has been both nice and awful.
Our son had his first stomach flu. :( It was not fun. It's awful when u have it yourself and it's even awful when your son has it! He doesn't understand what it is about, why he feels weird and what is that thing coming from his mouth.. :( Luckily it didn't last longer than from evening to morning.
Then when he got better I got flu. I got hard cough and something else but no fever.
And then Otto got our son's stomach flu too...
I'm happy to say that wven there's been sickness this week there has still been nice things too.
I've seen couple my friends and two of my God-daughters, celebrated God-childs birthday, went to a hockey game which was first one I ever visited and seen the joy in my sons face when he has played with friends.
There's a picture in the collage where is my son and my friends son beside. My son will turn two years exactly after one month and the friends son is 3,5months old. I'm wondering where has the time gone, just a while ago my son was as small as my friends baby and just a while ago I was stressing about my son's first birthday party and now I have start thinking about the next second birthday party...
(The boys are both wearing a onesies that I've made.)
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