Z is for....

...Zebra Crossing.  There is only one zebra crossing in Stratford, as far as I know, and this is it on Wood Street complete with Ann and Emma using it.....and a zebra crossing.  Not exactly Abbey Road but will do.

Emma, and Luna, are staying over for the weekend. Em and I met Ann out from the Blue Cross and we went to Pret for a drink.  I'd booked a table at All Bar One and we had a really nice lunch, two meals from the vegan menu, one vegetarian, having gone on about Veganuary a few days back we all agreed they were very tasty.

So this is the last entry in my self-imposed personal challenge, twenty six days into January, twenty six alphabetical entries.  I'm still not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I suspect I'll still be here.

Thanks to admirer for hosting today's Silly Saturday. 

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