Full Nest

Finished a clean up before the kids arrive, then out to Redruth to pick up some more refereeing kit for Joshua, more ‘stash’ as he calls it.
Home and Haggis for dinner, no one else in the house likes it I do and fortunately I was on my own today.
Tracked the children on ‘Where’s My iPhone’ but Clare beat them home.
Really good to have them home.

"You can learn many things from children, for instance how much patience you have!

The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face. Kids are like farts, your own are just about tolerable, everyone else’s are horrendous. There are only two things a child will share willingly; contagious illnesses and their mothers age.

Question: What is a house without children?

Answer: Quiet

Like fruit children are sweetest just before they turn bad. There are two classes of travel: first and with children. A child can ask questions that a wise person cannot answer. The easiest way to teach kids the value of money is to borrow some from them. Even when washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children are sticky. Silence is golden, unless you have kids, then it’s just suspicious.

Without children, your wallet would be full, your house clean but your heart empty". 

The children are home, just two nights but Clare is happy, as am I.

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