
By strawhouse

Phone Stealer

I was looking at today's photos to choose a Blip and this little face beamed out at me. 
Several times!!
How can I Blip anything else?!
I have been brewing a cold for a few days now - sore throat, feeling a bit weak and generally bluuuuughhhhhhh.
I mentioned to one of the mums in my class this morning that no doubt I'd be knocked out by a stinking cold the minute I got home and would be ill all weekend.
It was even quicker than that!! As I drove home my head started aching, I felt shivery and aching all over, my nose started streaming and I felt as if I need to lie down before collapsing.
I had bath to try and warm up. That was a mistake - it made me feel all light headed and even weaker. So I took myself off to bed with a Lemsip and Agatha Christie on Audible.
Mr K went to get the Little Misses from Board Games Club (Miss L) and Late Stayers (Miss E). 
An early night all round. Although we did manage to fit in a couple of episodes of Game of Thrones. We're watching it again from the beginning before the new series starts. We're halfway through the first series. Everyone is so young!! And Ned Stark is ace, Joffrey really is a little shit, Theon is like a normal human being and there's so much gratuitous sex!! 
It's odd watching it again and knowing what's in store for them all.

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