
By SonofLionel

All That Remains

The work on the wild area at our boundary is almost finished. The local farmer had helped immensely in removing the vast majority of old brambles, trees, and assorted detritus. He also uncovered our ‘bornes’, or boundary markers. We had a considerable amount to clear on our side, so we set to. We still have, unfortunately, a significant amount of earth and large stones that we have uncovered that needs the assistance of the farmer with his more impressive equipment. That needs to be moved completely before we can erect a fence in a straight line, which he has said he can do after this year’s harvest. In the meantime, all vegetation and woody matter has been reduced to the fire and embers in the picture. The additional pictures show our uncovered wall and the views beyond to the woods a couple of hundred metres away. Next job for the better weather is to put up a temporary fence so that Elvis can’t escape into the fields, as the old line of stones is rather low (not really a wall, as it has no cement or structure). The best news is that we will be having sunflowers in the field this year. Yeay!! Loads of sunshine faces, followed by a mouse infestation. (They always appear after we have had sunflowers)

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