What a day!!!

Friday 25th January 2019

I had plans for my day off but ...

... I was having a lie in. I was awake but drifting back off to sleep when the phone rang at 9:26am. I don't normally answer the phone on my day off and don't know why I did. It was our caretaker, "Janet, sorry to bother you on your day off but the vestry is on fire and I've called the fire brigade." I have never woken up and got out of bed so quick!

I arrived at the church at the same time as the fire brigade. I can't comment on here about the cause or aftermath.  Suffice to say it was an eventful day. Thankfully the fire was contained in the vestry and no one was hurt. I no longer have a vestry and we have some smoke damage. 

After an exhausting day I travelled over to Huddsbird's. I was quite late so we settled for a Chinese take-away, a few glasses of wine (+) and a lot of talking until the early hours! I did shower and change completely but I still smell of smoke!

p.s These are real life-sized fire engines. They do not belong to the little people fire fighters I posted on Saturday! 

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