Tales of a bedbound mum

By Bedbound

Two sleepy ladies

Well I had no ideas on creative blips today. A and S have been to a pantomime with the young carers and I had a sit in, where a carer sits and reads whilst I sleep.. She is on the end of my radio if I need anything and normally I get a hot drink and a ten minute chat after an hour or so. But there not allowed to sit and talk to me because it tires me out even if I want to.

Luckily the coach got back in time for S and A to catch the last bus home even though they had to walk really. Fast to catch it and they were both exhausted. S wasn't a happy bunny. It's a lot of money if he had missed the bus. Money were currently needing for coal.

Anyway this is A and I having a hug before she drops off to sleep.

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