Plans For The Weekend?

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,


The day of the week when office-workers avoid work by asking each other, "Plans for the weekend?" 

Oh don't lie, we all do it, sometimes we even listen to the actual answers.

As I recall, Smock was going to blah blah blah something dull involving fish.

Funnily enough though, when I say, "I have NO plans for the weekend," the reaction is always this: "OOOH nice!" 

I deduce from this that people don't LIKE going places and doing things but are forced to by relatives who probably don't want to do the things either. 

My actual plan is to watch the end of "The Devil's Backbone" and stroke a cat. But one cannot say this out loud to non-Blip actual human beings for fear of being thought a big bloody weirdo.

Caro will be with me on this. My blip today was taken in Midland Park - Caro was in town having her lashes done* and we had arranged to meet there afterward.

I asked her if she wanted to do anything; go for a drink, have dinner, anything.

"Nah," she replied. "I want to sit on my bum and watch telly in my bum-pants."

Now there's a plan.


* Or something.

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