
By AnnieBScotland

slim pickings

on the blip front today, in spite of high hopes. The Steam Boaters Xmas lunch at the Boathouse at Auchinstarry Marina - the car park was sheet ice and after yesterday I wasn't taking any chances, and it was drizzling, so only took a couple of quick shots before hurrying inside. then took a couple more in the gloaming on the way out - lunch with 26 people tends to drag on a bit - but decided on this bauble shot - I'm sure there'll be loads of these in the coming weeks so I thought I'd get in early. pity I didn't see the join on the bauble until I downloaded it!

One of our group is Chief Engineer of the Waverley (last sea going paddle steamer) and we heard how close the company came to shutting up shop after a disasterous season, saved by a donation from the Scottish Euro lottery winners and another anonymous benefactor.

So Waverley is now undergoing winter maintenance ahead of a late start next season, probably May. If any skilled blippers fancy lending a hand, they are always looking for volunteers - joiners, electricians, painters etc, just pop down to her winter berth at the Science Centre.

So that's the first Xmas lunch done and dusted. another one tomorrow - the old motor bikers this time!

hope everyone is having a good evening, in or out!

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