Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Differences: 5 year old boys and 11 year old girls

Will has been telling anyone who talks to him how many sleeps until we put the Christmas tree up, he has been rifling throught the decorations box for two weeks, he has been asking since school finished yesterdaywhen we will put it up, he spent an hour putting decorations up and now is sitting in the darkness so he can admire the lights. Daisy thinks it is pretty but was happy to have no involvement at any stage.

Calm morning of nothing then a wander round town to get Daisy's new glasses (a future blip, with any luck), Jay's new glasses (I wont bother blipping them) and the Christmas tree stand. Then tree activities and fun (staring at the computer for Daisy, obv) and fish and chips. Super lovely day.

I cant wait to get that tree down again, it will make the living room look so big, clean and uncluttered......

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