Out of the soup ...

... and into the light.

It was snowing this morning in The Hague. Apparently it doesn’t take much bad weather before the Dutch start cancelling flights. And we were fortunate that ours wasn’t.

But despite a delay in Holland, passport control at Stansted having a melt-down, and Elbows missing our turning off the M25, we both got into work by early afternoon.

Great to see the kids. They’ve done brilliantly at being self-sufficient. Our resident house-guest (RHG) has kept a very low profile and not been seen much.

Mum is doing well. Tomorrow’s tasks include visiting care homes. I am a little desperate for time to myself but RHG is determined that I should have none. There is no foreseeable Wednesday, which is my day off work, without our RHG. I need to be more gracious.

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