Filling Time
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
It was The Youngest Mini Princess’s parents evening tonight which went brilliantly. It was lovely to hear that she is doing so well and working so hard although The Prince and I did have to cover up snorts of laugher with coughs when her English teacher told us that “she is very good at taking advice on board!”
There was quite a long wait outside one of the classrooms so I started doing one of my physio exercises to pass the time. The exercise is a small movement going from standing flat to standing on the balls of your feet. I had to stop as YMP was absolutely horrified. Her horror was compounded when The Prince started speaking to someone about golf and did an ‘air swing.’
She complained to EMP at home who was equally aghast - “Something happens to both of you at parents evenings No one else’s parents do stuff like this. Why can’t you act normally?”
YMP should be grateful that I didn’t decide to do the floor exercises. Or the deep squats!
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