St Vincent Street
This is the former church at th ebottom of St vincent Street in Edinburgh.
I used to run a record shop just a wee bit down the road from here and this building always impressed me. It's absolutely huge and to give an impression of the scale if you look closely you can see Roz in a stripey black and white jumper standing on the stairs in front of the building.
I'd had to nip into town to get some stuff sorted out at the college and Sam was doing the sam ething so once my stuff was sorted out I sat the kids down in front of photobooth on the macs in one of the classrooms and that kept them occupied until Sam was done.
Maddy was happy enough to sit watching the two videos Sam had put on youTube for her inspired by her horror make up kit. they are called Zombie feast and Zombie feast 2, enjoy.
It might be Sunday before I make my next post as we're up to Aberdeen to see family this weekend. If my Aunt and Uncle have Photoshop I might put something up sooner, but I'm not counting on it. If not have a good weekend everyone.
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