
Well, that was a bit of a day.

It started with the death of my last ex father in law. He had been in hospital for weeks, so it was no surprise, and I suspect a relief for him and the rest of the family. I haven’t seem him for almost 20 years so it’s a strange feeling. I’ll work it out.

Work today was supposed to comprise one solitary task for the 3 of us. We had 1,700 letters to get into envelopes, labelled and stamped for posting to all the EU27 citizens in our constituency. The printing was all done yesterday.

Part of the letter was to deal with the registration fee May was demanding (£65 I think) as the price for letting these folks stay in their homes and jobs, and with their families. The Scottish Government has been planning to pay it for them if they work in the public sector. 

So, after May announced she’s scrapping the fee, we just had to bin those 1,700 letters. She knew, the miserable ratbag. 

The end of the office day led me gently into a couple of hours at my desk at home, finding tax certificates etc and emailing them to the accountant. Is it Friday soon?

So far it has not been a great week for Blipping. 

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