Rodin exhibition

Carole’s house is just by a side gate into Christchurch Park and only 2 minutes walk from the mansion. We had a quick walk down to see the Rodin exhibition in the museum. Carole is the councillor resonsible for museums so is very pleased about this exhibition. Only 3 of these sculptures exist I think. Looks romantic but actually based on a story of doomed lovers in Dante’s Inferno.

We called for a coffee with our Dutch friend who was busy trying to complete the forms giving her the right to stay in UK. She and her husband have lived and worked, setting up a successful business here for over 40 years and have 2 British children and 4 grandchildren. She needs this form filled in for many reasons but importantly, to have the right to use the NHS which of course they have paid into all those years. All so depressing, feeling unwelcome.

A 6 hour drive home, rain and heavy traffic. But it was good to see everybody.

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