
By JanetH

Towards Langdale

Early start for the drive home as I needed to be back around lunch time. Still managed three mini diversions looking for photo opportunities along the way.

First diversion was to come along the B6318 instead of the A69 to attempt a Hadrian's Wall blip. However, having left Alnwick with reasonable light, the weather clamped down and it was grey drizzle. I got one photo but it wasn't great. Also nearly got myself trapped on a narrow lane in the process, with no way of turning round and ice ahead. Managed to extract myself though.

Next two diversions were off the M6. I could see the snow on the hills but didn't have time to go exploring and get closer. Ended up with this shot just after Shap summit, which I believe is a view towards Langdale.

Yesterday's blip was posted rather late so you may have missed it. Please have a look back if you have the time.

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