Roly's Life

By Roly


There was no way I was getting up for the ‘blood moon’ but I had to stop on the way to work - it was so still and the reflections were perfect.

Work is starting to ease a bit and the end is in sight - although I still have 2 sets of ITR accounts in my list awaiting further info from the clients. Grrr!

Met with the plumbers once home, the floor is almost done but we hadn’t ordered enough! They’ve sorted it though.

Climbing for the kids and I went running - my first in ages so only 25mjnutes/3.2km but better than no run. Muckies for tea and the first 2 coats of paint (including a mist coat - who knew such a thing existed) on the walls that will be panelled.

Early night tonight I think - must not get distracted...

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