Smurf - the blood moon!!!

Supermoon in the morning in the sky. So of course I had to go out in my nightgown at 6.20 and try to shoot it. I had taken my down feather jacket on, but after a while I started to feel cold in my bare feet wearing only crocs. 

On my, there was -17c and I had not noticed the cold, only heard the squeaking sound of snow under my feet. 

Anyway lovely super moon and I got some captures too. 

After works I walked to the supermarket and back. Fresh nice weather, but my hair started to get frozen. -21c as I got back home and decided to go back outdoors to play with some soap bubbles.

(Actually I would have wanted to go for ice-swimming and sauna, but it is so growdy in januany in every sauna, so I left the idea and conitunued playing) 

Some more Smurf shots here.  And few shots of blood moon here.
A lt of pics today to choose... I made a decicion to add the moon into a bubble capture.


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