twinned with trumpton


3 hours work; then Her laddie's bike was deposited in Douglas' trusty mitts to fix and fiddle with it.
And off down Portobello way I didst go. Barry and Fenton  Logan awaited and even with the tide in we spent an hour parading up and down what was left of the beach. I chummed Baz to the supermarket and most of the way home before getting back onto the bike and going to Hers.

A speedy turnaround and we walked to Asda at Chesser along the canal. Supplies purchased, she went for the bus and I took the bike to get a lightbulb and a salt grinder before reconvening at hers.

Chilli for dinner; an evening of TV and Alexa music before finally collapsing into peace. The kids were out and staying out. A rare quiet night

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