~Long way Home~

I will just write highlights as it will take to long to write.
Left at 10 am. Planned on spending a few hour then head back to Atlanta.
Went to military cemetery
Merrill cemetery in New Orleans ( look up if you want to understand) opened graves and exposed caskets. Read the article.
Looking for post Katrina
Found a pier and photographed tons of pelicans. Beautiful sight
Drive back to Bourbon St. and the French Quarters. It’s now 4 pm which shows how many detours we took and didn’t head home.
Hop on I 10 and we saw a young man lying dead on the freeway. It was awful. It had just happened as no aid car or police were there yet. There were 2 men standing above him and one bent to check for a pulse. He clearly was dead. I wanted to stay and help but there was nothing I could do.
Leaving sick to our stomachs.
Drive more and decide we are detouring off to the beach Gulf of Mexico. This made us feel better. Here we spent one and a half hour taking pictures of more birds and then the sunset. Yup we still haven’t made it very far.
Back on. Hwy Kyla spotted a casino and had to stop. She won and I lost. I then just sat and watched her. I only give them a few bucks then I quit.
9 pm and we are on the road again. It’s was 6 more hours to be home. We made it back home at 3am. I would have to write a book if I told all the details of today. It was another adventure and we enjoyed most of it.

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