
The Christmas party at work. Or rather, after work. Santa gave me a pair of tattooed arms which i found, to my alarm, to totally change my personality into that of a boor and oaf (with amazing ease and entirely convincingly). I passed them on to others and they were soon lost. Since then, I feel half the man I was. For those treasured moments I could actually ask my colleagues who the f**k they thought they were looking at. What's so f**kin funny?
Haha. Yes indeed. After that I'd just had enough socialising. A number were heading on to a shitty dance place and I wasn't for it, so I just hung back and headed in another direction. A clear head.

[as I was heading into town the sun appeared and the light was briefly amazing. I'd submit it for that light windows things but the horrible logo is well, horrid]

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