as seen

By jankerman

Wassailing In East Yorks

       Here's to thee old apple tree 
         Whence thou mayst bud
      and whence thou mayst blow
And whence thou mayst bear apples enou!
             Hats full ! Caps full 
        Bushel-bushel -sacks full
       And my pockets full too.
 Three cheers for the apple tree
             Hip hip huzzah
             Hip hip huzzah
             Hip hip huzzah

A family walk down the Canal before Mrs A S went to work and I made my way to Sledmere House where in conjunction with Colemans Cider and two local Morris sides the orchard was to be Wassailed.
The snow at that level prevented the transition from house to trees being done in dance. So Dancing then a sedate move to the orchard where we were all warmed with mulled cider before being invited to dip a pice of toast in the wassail bowl and then place it in one of the orchard trees.
See extras for more insight of visit my FB albums where today is split into albums for the day and each of the Morris Sides.

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