The bleak midwinter

After spending millions on remodelling the town square, the council’s now intent on titivating another area nearby.
Part of the plan involves widening a road to accommodate market stalls. Here’s the first few days of action, which has seen the clearing and flattening of a number of large flower beds, much frequented by birds ( AND BUMBLEBEES ), felling several mature trees including two in the area of the photo, again much frequented by birds and an absolute picture in the autumn when the leaves turn a vivid red. Now here’s the whole length of hedge being destroyed in the little park where I take so many of my bumblebee photos. Flower beds with shrubs and flowers attractive to pollinators have also been cleared and are roped off awaiting some unknown fate.
The council claims that this several million pounds’ worth of alterations will revitalise the area, and new planting will be made to replace the cleared areas.
I’ve had a look at the plans, and I can see precious little in the way of replacement for the lost flowers, shrubs and trees.
I suppose this is what’s known as progress.

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