Let's smurf the lasagne!

I was told that in the market there could be sold ready lasagne sauce in cans. And I found one. Maybe tomorrow we have delicious dinner!

Hard Friday. All day counting numbers in excel. Even though I have made a very precise method for this hard task, there always is couple or more of variables. And there I am again - almost buried into the data... And finally I succeeded in the hardest part of the job.

-13c and getting colder. In the morning my workmate came in to the office so frozen, he had missed two busses and had some woolen jacket, beanie and cloves - but felt co cold. Hands like ice blocks...

... As I got back home, I noticed that my son had left to university and later heading to his girlfriend wearing only his thin down feather jacket. I got angry, almost pissed off (in Finnish paskahalvaus), as he somehow does not like to wear a proper jacket... Yes I know, that he has been in army and all - so he should have learned something. It is  old in army and cold at busstop.

My daughter arrived home tonight too. Done nothing much for her bachelor's degree. Every week all the same stories and missing issues. Is she afraid of making it or too broud or something?

The automatic door of the Railway station park carage area was broken and kept shut down. Plenty of cars there waiting. Someone had crashed against the door by car. Maybe due slippery or maybe only by driving mistake or too much speed...

Feeling a bit fed up. Am I too demanding and effective ?
Hope the weekend is good. For you too!
Maybe good lasagne makes me feel better...


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