Collie's everywhere
For the last three years, I've been moaning to anyone who would listen; that everyone in Edinburgh seemed to have 'designer' dogs. Nobody appeared to own a common little collie and when out on walks with MollyCollie we hardly ever met other collies. Edinburgh has gone mad! The whole city is currently over run with collies! It was such a lovely day that I went out for a walk by myself this morning. In the space of 10 mins I'd seen 5 collies. That's a collie spotted every 2mins and I was out for 2 hours. That's a lot of collies?!
This afternoon I took all of MollyCollie's toys and her collar and leads (except the last one she wore) to the 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home'. The staff were very grateful for them. ............….Obviously I had to have a look at the dogs that were waiting to be re-homed. Most of them were Staffies or big dogs and it was actually quite upsetting to see them in their little pens.
….......And whilst, I've always said that I'd have another dog..................... to be honest..................... I'm worried that I won't be able to love another dog as much as I loved MollyCollie. I know she was old, but I thought we'd have another couple of years together.
I'm trying to keep busy, so this evening I was going to go to 'Juvenate' for a swim and then do a line dancing class. But do you know what?.................. I can't be bothered. It's really cold now so I just nipped down to Sainsbury's for a bottle of wine. And what was tied up outside?..................... the cutest little collie ever. Obviously not as cute as MollyCollie.
A bottle of wine, chicken & prawn stirfry and an evening of TV soaps beckons. Yay! At least I won't have to go out later to do the 'before bedtime wee walk'. I wish I did have to go out later to do the 'before bedtime wee walk'.
Oh................ and the one good thing to come out of all of this....................... I really, really, really, DO NOT want to watch 'Jeremy Kyle' any more! Lol! I think his programme must have started when I first got MollyCollie because our routine was; go out for about an hour in the morning, come back and have breakfast and if I wasn't going to work, I would watch JK, (while MollyCollie chillaxed) and then I'd do half an hour of training with her. Today I watched 15 mins and just had to get out of the house. #SorryJeremy
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