The cottage is quiet again. The children have returned to school and I spent the morning reading a book Nick gave me. Had a soak in the bath to ease my back and decided to venture out into the garden. The snowdrops and hellebores were out in profusion and the first daffodils have pushed through in search of the light. I pottered a little, but eventually had to give in and return inside to toss and turn my way from room to room unable to get comfortable. Enough is enough and although I hate going, tomorrow I will make an appointment with the doctor. (Yes I know I should have gone sooner.....!)

On Murron's return home from school
Me - How was your day?
Murron - How is your back?
Me - Not great.
Murron - Sounds like my day.
Me - What happened?
Murron - (Gives me a look) School happened! (Slumps to the floor.)

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