All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

What's in a name

I'm always interested to know where people get their inspiration from when choosing member names for sites like this, So, in case anyone has wondered where "Lallybroch" comes from, I thought I'd use that as my blip for today!

It's actually the name of a place in one of my favourite books - Cross Stitch by Diana Gabaldon. Perhaps it's because it's a nice Scottish sounding name (even if it was made up by an American) but the name just appeals to me.

The strange thing is that the first time I attempted to read the book, I gave up after 2 chapters as I thought it was really boring! But for some reason I picked it up again a few months later and this time I was hooked! And then read the next in the series, and the next....and am now a devout fan of hers! I love her books so much, my Mum even bought me the "comprehensive companion to her novels" which is what this photograph is of. So there you have it, a little paragraph describing Lallybroch along with an artists impression.

Oh, and if anyone else would like to divulge where their name comes from - feel free!

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