
By stuartjross

Loch Lochy

Working up past Errogie today on the hill road to the south east of Loch Ness.

The roads this morning were really bad with snow and ice particularly between Fort Augustus and Gorthleck. When I got home I learned that the boys had got an unexpected day off school because the school bus, on its way up to Roy Bridge, had gone off the road.

We met the engineer on site a little later than planned and, as often happens, the brief changed a bit from what I had anticipated. In these situations we simply do what we are told. Things can change on the client which he has no control over, he has us there on site, so he is as well to get as much as possible out of us on the day even if it wasn't what was first planned.

I was reasonably happy with what we achieved on the day. Thankfully the roads were much better on the way home and I indulged in one of those cheap road side blips at the north east end of Loch Lochy. In truth I have planned a blip stop here in the past but it can be an awkward place to stop if you are in nose to tail traffic and tonight I planned my turn off well in advance, so much so I didn't know if a shot was on until I was safely parked and out of the car walking.

A few minutes earlier I think would have been better.

M has been baking most of the day ahead of the joint Hall/ Roy Bridge School PTA coffee morning tomorrow. She has a big load of stuff to pack in the car then it will probably be time for glass of wine.

Have a good blip weekend everyone.

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