A colourful day

This is how my older sister and I spent most of these last 24 hours — gowned, gloved and on the phone.

From last night onwards, until late this afternoon, I thought Mum was going to Heaven today. Lots of moments that sounded like a last breath. Lots of prayers and songs.

But after 10 litres of fluids, an oxygen mask, antibiotics and wonderful care, she is comfortable and smiling and answering questions and in a side room on a ward.

Her kidneys are shot, she can’t manage without oxygen and IV fluids, they’ve discovered a huge cancerous mass, she has a nasty, as-yet-unidentified infection, a possible perforated intestine (!) and her blood pressure is ridiculously low.

So she’s not well but she’s smiling and talking. Her dementia seems to be mostly on holiday. More siblings arrive tomorrow and we shall see. She is in the safe hands of her Lord and Saviour and she knows it.

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