
By tondrijfhamer

An extra job!

I've known it since last Friday but today it's official:
I've been asked to join a group of photographers that organize photo-holidays all over the world. From Iceland to Tanzania and Costa Rica to Valencia. It's a big honour for me.
This is the website:  (all in Dutch, sorry for that)
It doesn't mean I'll be going to all these great destinations on a very short term. I hope I can grow to that level in the future. And of course I've my family who have a say in that as well. But chances are that I'll be going to Iceland as part of the learning process of guiding small groups.

It's all very exciting and I actually can't believe all this is really happening.

2019 will be a year of practice and learning all kind of new things.
Who knows what will happen after this year! 

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