Photo by Phone Challenge

By RenoufDesign


When I started taking photography more seriously I did a course with three friends - our photography took us on different journeys and we all still creat images.

One friend is doing a degree, today she shared news of an exhibition she visited - - and talked about how the images left her feeling.

Looking around, today feels grey - it is overcast, it can get you down and you can be trapped in the world you are in - no escape through the wire... but there is always sunshine after rain.

The exhibition left my friend feeling down, that people still suffer, but the photographer did not just record the suffering, he became a friend - he made a difference, he shared their story and by being there showed he cared.

I know I can't change the world, but I can try and be a friend, I can offer support - not necessary the right support but fresh ideas and a different view, well trying to understand theirs... and by remembering we all have our own version of "normal" and I always have a choice to get tied down by the grey or reach for the sunshine and keep reaching...

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